Tough choices - for career and family

Jubilee News  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Sep 2000
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Paul, a corporate finance manager, highlights a dilemma faced by thousands of employees in the UK.

Although I had worked for the same firm of accountants since graduating some six years ago, I had become aware that there might be good opportunities for me to further my corporate finance career in a larger firm.

During the summer of 1999 I was approached by one of the 'Big Five' accountancy firms who were keen to recruit me into a newly-formed technology group, based in their regional office. I had recently gained valuable expertise in that area and was keen to pursue my interests, although I was aware that the working environment might be very different to the relatively small and friendly office I was used to. I was also concerned that this new job opportunity might threaten the time I had for my 18 month-old son and my wife, who was expecting our second child soon.

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