Monthly youth leaders column

Roger Fawcett  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Feb 2004
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Game n. adj. & v. l n 1 a form or spell of play or sport esp. a competitive one played according to rules and decided by skill, strength or luck.

I was excited to read David Porter's article about The Lord of the Rings games in EN last month. I enjoy playing board games a great deal, perhaps I have German ancestry. In particular, I can assure readers that The Lord of the Rings Risk is excellent fun and a must-have for those who enjoy the original game.

There are many good things about board games that bear mention. When playing a board game you have to talk to each other, as opposed to grunting as you remain glued to a screen. Invariably you face your opponent rather than slouching next to them on the sofa. Board games have to be played in the light, semi-darkness does not work. All this of course leads to something that is quite rare these days - conversation.

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