The positive side of ME (yes, there is one!)

Miriam Potter  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jun 2007
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I have had ME since 1999. For the first seven months, I was unable to work, and then well enough to go back to work full-time.

During that time, I was bed-bound, and depended on my friends and family to do basic things like washing and shopping; even cooking meals was a major thing. As the illness was so debilitating I decided that I needed to set goals each day, otherwise, I was wasting time, just lying in bed feeling terrible.

At first my goal was to be able to go to the toilet; I had to do that. Once I had crawled to the toilet and back, then climbed into my bed, which felt so far away, I felt that I had achieved something and gave myself a pat on the back. After numerous doctors‚ visits, and a lot of rest and doing small amounts, I was ready to go back to work. That was great!

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