Acting apart

Naomi Philippi  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jul 2008
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It’s Sunday morning. Not much has changed. You throw on some clothes and grab a coffee on your way out the door. Destination — church.

It’s just what you’ve been brought up doing. No rhyme or reason — just habit. There’s a handshake at the door, then you head for the back pew.

The regulars, as expected, are already occupying their assigned seating. Hymns, prayers, collection and a message — of sorts. The bit you look forward to is communion — that means it’s nearly over. ‘What’s for lunch?’ Your thoughts are focused on everything but what’s going on at present. Stand, sit, kneel, stand, and now you’re off. ‘Don’t have time to chat over a cuppa — got to get my golf gear on. Running late — the sermon was two minutes longer than last time…’ So your week begins. Christ? Cross? Forgiveness? Salvation? Justification? Mercy and grace? Love? No — just habit.

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