When people can know God through the Bible in their own languages, it shows them that He has not forgotten them.
The promise in Revelation 14:6 is particularly poignant for Lugwere translator Davis Dedya and his people: ‘The good news being proclaimed to every nation including Uganda, every tribe including Bagwere, every language including Lugwere, and every people. We are not left out of the targeted end point – to receive and enjoy the good news.’
‘New Testament inspired a revival’
The Lugwere New Testament was published five years ago in Uganda. Since then, translator and pastor Gasyodo Mitala Erinayo observes, church attendance has increased and people are growing in faith.
Are seminaries failing in the teaching of New Testament Greek?
In 1453, Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire, fell to the Ottoman Turks. This was a disaster for the …