How rich are you?

Lizzy Smallwood  |  Features  |  the ENd word
Date posted:  1 Sep 2023
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How rich are you?

photo: iStock

For a time in the endWord, we are receiving some spiritual heart surgery as we look at the letter of James. He uncovers some of our more insidious, respectable sins and cautions us from fatally wandering from the truth (James 5:19-20).

When it comes to the big ones – ‘sex and drugs and rock ’n roll’ – we Christians often feel pretty good about ourselves compared to the world, and we may assume God feels the same way about us too.

However, sin is sin. And even though Christ has set us free from the absolute slavery and eternal consequences of our sin; even though the Holy Spirit dwells within us, this principle of sin – often in Scripture called the flesh – still lurks within us and rears its ugly head in our thoughts and attitudes, words and actions.

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