EMA goes global online
From Sierra Leone to Swindon, Hong Kong
to Huddersfield, Sydney to Sydenham, and
Belfast to Bulgaria, this year’s Evangelical
Ministry Assembly (EMA) attracted a global
audience online.
three mornings
there were
conference sermons from Luke 19 preached by Rico Tice (All Souls Langham Place),
Phil Allcock (Christ Church Mayfair) and
Willie Philip (The Tron Church, Glasgow).
The remainder of each day was presented
by one of
the Cornhill
staff. Firstly, he
led an exegesis session talking through his
preparatory work on the passage, followed
by preaching an expository sermon on the
same passage in the second session. Andrew
Sach was looking at Ezekiel 1 on day one,
Stephen Boon was looking at Ephesians 3:1-13 on day two, and Nigel Styles was looking
at Exodus 15:1-21 on day three.