New Proclamation Trust (PT) director Robin Sydserff has been sharing his hopes for the future.
In an open letter, he says: ‘My first stint at PT from 2004–2008, working with Dick Lucas, David Jackman and Christopher Ash, was life-changing. Their confidence in the ministry of the word as God’s means of transformation, and their commitment to serve the church, multiplying expository word ministry through training, equipping and encouraging preachers and Bible teachers, was used of the Lord to build a genuinely centrist renewal movement that united evangelicals. We live in the present, not the past, but can rightly take inspiration from those who have gone before us.
‘Over the last month, we’ve met together as PT trustees and staff on two separate Away Days. We began with these prayerful aims for the church in the UK: Pray that the Lord would enable a centrist renewal movement in expository word ministry. Pray that the Lord would raise up gospel workers across the UK through local churches developing a training culture.
Are seminaries failing in the teaching of New Testament Greek?
In 1453, Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire, fell to the Ottoman Turks. This was a disaster for the …