Street Children

Mr Alisdair Barron  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Sep 1996
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By Andy Butcher
Nelson Word. 180 pages. £5.99
ISBN 1 86024 028 3
All royalties go to street children.

The suffering of street children the world over is one of the great challenges for the church today. Andy Butcher sets out the issues and calls for action in his new book Street Children, reviewed here by Alisdair Barron.

Whatever the millennium represents, it will include looking back on at least two centuries of unparalleled prosperity in the Western world. That will certainly be part of our millennial triumph. But, at the same time, its shame could well be that there will be more children on the streets of the world than ever before. It would be marvellous if in the next four years substantial progress could be made in tackling the problem.

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