A Dictionary of Theological Terms

Lewis Allen  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Oct 1996
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By M.E. Manton
Grace Publications. 125 pages. £
ISBN 0 946462 40 2

This book is designed with students in mind who are grappling with the complexities of theological vocabulary, and especially those who might not have English as their first language.

Definitions are given in a very clear and concise form. Attention is paid to the Hebrew, Greek or Latin origins if it helps understanding of the term, and the word is explained in its historical or theological context as necessary (e.g. a couple of sentences shows the origin of 'liberation theology'). The writer shows how words are used in Scripture and verse references are included. Both technical theological terms are defined (does anyone know what monothelitism means?) and words used more regularly (e.g. faith, doubt).

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