Stand Up and Be Counted - A Radical Prophetic Message

GDW  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jun 1999
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By Tony Campolo
Marshall Pickering. 158 pages. £5.99
ISBN 0 551 02794 0

Campolo, in this practically illustrated and readable book, correctly paints a picture of a materialistic, career-centred world that seems to have lost its soul. A world that is ready to accept and embrace truth if only it were told and shown what truth is.

In solution, he gives numerous, valid examples of Christian individuals and small-scale projects that have sought to live out the gospel. These examples are mostly very challenging, reference to Francis of Assisi and an example of liberation theology in action are logically underdeveloped. Campolo proposes that these non-self motivated groups working on a community level are both changing the communities and countries in which they live, and being changed themselves.

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