The cosmic detective story

Peter Senior  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jan 2003
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An exploration into origins
By David Wilkinson. Monarch. 224 pages. £8.99
ISBN 1 85424 544 9

The Rev. Dr David Wilkinson is an eminent astrophysicist, a Methodist minister, and a Fellow in Apologetics at St. John's College, Durham.

He has an enviable talent for explaining cosmology to the layperson. This he achieves without jargon, or compromising the essential principles. One must heartily commend his presentation of the subject, even when one does not agree with some of his conclusions. The book is a further contribution to the subject of popular cosmology, pioneered by Professor Stephen Hawking when he published A Brief History of Time in 1988. In its first ten years it sold ten million copies across 33 languages.

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