To attract beginners

Alan Millard  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jan 2003
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LBC authors: J. Balchin, P. Cotterell, M. Evans, G.Kirby, P. Knight, D.Tidball
Scripture Union. 256 pages. £13.99
ISBN 0 85999 523 3

It's quite a demand to know the contents of 66 books! It's even more demanding when they were written long ago in different societies, yet Christians ought to know their Bibles!

Many Bible study guides leave the reader knowing some passages well, but ignorant of others. The advantage of this survey is the way it gives equal attention to almost every book and treats each one in the same way with introduction, outline, message, key themes and application. This serves its purpose of displaying the 'overall pattern and purpose... the general thrust of each book'.

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