Faith and scholarship

Peter Misselbrook  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Aug 2004
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History and biblical interpretation
Eds. Craig Bartholomew, C. Stephen Evans, Mary Healey, Murray Rae. Paternoster/Zondervan. 553 pages. £24.99
ISBN 1 84227 068 0

This is the fourth of eight volumes emerging from a series of annual seminars on Scripture and Hermeneutics sponsored jointly by Bible Society and Baylor University of Waco, Texas.

The seminars are concerned to bridge the gulf between the way in which the Bible is viewed and used in the 'academy' (university theological departments) and in the 'church'. In each of the seminars, Christian academics from a variety of disciplines seek to engage with Scripture and its message with academic rigour but equally from the perspective of faith. Through these volumes the sponsors of the seminars are seeking to engender a renewed confidence in the Bible.

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