Jubilee community

Steve Wilmshurst  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Feb 2005
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Sharing the gospel through social involvement
By Tim Chester. IVP. 195 pages. £9.99
ISBN 1 84474 019 6

Tim Chester writes simply and clearly to create a biblical case for integrating evangelism and social action. He attempts to do more than merely justify evangelical involvement with the poor and marginalised: the aim is a gospel-shaped approach to social action.

Does he succeed? For the most part, definitely. He is particularly good at clearing away woolly thinking about the Kingdom of God and, later, in the way he undermines Christian consumerism. Here is a message our churches urgently need to hear. Rather than the familiar approach of telling us we must simplify our lifestyle and cut out our excesses, he points out how satisfaction with God - true Christian contentment - will free us from our obsession with lifestyle. I found this ('Good news to the rich') the best chapter in the book.

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