Sound & careful

Steve Wilmshurst  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Dec 2007
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Encouragement and joy in Christ
By Paul Gardner. Christian Focus. 192 pages. £8.99
ISBN 978-1-84550-264-5

This is the latest addition to the Focus on the Bible commentary series.

It’s probably helpful to locate it in terms of a familiar series and say that this is somewhat shorter and simpler than John Stott’s excellent The Message of Ephesians in The Bible Speaks Today series. So it’s a non-technical commentary, which handles the text soundly and carefully and also provides applications at the end of most sections. With Paul Gardner we are in safe hands. Discussions of authorship and background are brief, but sufficient for its purpose. The book could well be used for thoughtful personal devotions or to back up group Bible studies. Something more detailed would really be needed for expository preaching.

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