The meaning of Scripture

Robert Letham  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Sep 2008
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Ed. by Donald McKim
IVP. 1,106 pages. £29.99
ISBN 978-0-8308-2927-9

This massive tome is a new and expanded version of the Historical Handbook of Major Biblical Interpreters (1998). Over 100 scholars, all specialists in their field, have contributed to what is now a major and unrivalled resource.

After a series of articles on biblical interpretation from the early church to the 20th century, the main part consists of surveys of figures from Irenaeus in the second century to Bruce Metzger, Leon Morris, and C.F.D. Moule of recent vintage. Few living interpreters are included. Inevitably, someone might wish to see listed — Donald Guthrie for one — are absent, while others — C.I. Scofield is an example — are present who may not merit it. From the modern era conservatives, liberals, and feminists are there; all sorts, shapes, and sizes. Such a range is important, so that the reader may be aware of what influenced their comments. Each entry provides a biography, a summary of the life and work, interpretative principles, and significance of the figure, and an extensive bibliography of primary and secondary sources for further reading.

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