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Wendy Mason  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Feb 2011
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How Old Testament saints dealt with tough times
By Anthony Selvaggio. Evangelical Press. 120 pages. £6.99
ISBN 978-0-85234-724-9

This really is an excellent book. The author examines the lives of several Old Testament characters and looks at how they dealt with specific trials and problems.

My first thought was that it was going to be a ‘Dare to be a Daniel’ or ‘Slay Your Goliath’ type of book, but actually it is full of perceptive comments and avoids the obvious. So, the chapter about Daniel looks at the problem of living and bringing up children in a hostile culture. The chapter on David deals with how he coped with the death of his child, born to Bathsheba. And have you ever thought about what might link the two Tamars of the OT and Jephtha’s daughter? Well, read the book to find out!

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