Contemporary mega-story

Roger Welch  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Aug 2011
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A Very Short Introduction
By William K. Kay. Oxford University Press. 130 pages. £7.99
ISBN 978 0 199 575 152

The confession first. I am a fan of the OUP series ‘A Very Short Introduction’ (VSI), which now includes this excellent survey of Pentecostalism. VSIs are small sized, reasonably brief — this one is about 35,000 words — but academically rigorous.

Each is written by an acknowledged authority in the field. The range is vast, from Advertising and African History to Wittgenstei and The World Trade Organisation. There are now nearly 200 titles in the series. They are great to take on holiday, or slip in your pocket when travelling, even in the e-book age.

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