Gripping gospel

Malcolm Jones  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jun 2013
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How Jesus changes everything
By Michael Ots. IVP. 160 pages. £7.99
ISBN 978 1 844 746 040

‘I’m hoping not to go to heaven’ (p.20). When did you last hear a Christian saying a thing like that? The author’s reason is that heaven is ‘not the final destination’. He likens it to stopping over at Schiphol Airport en route to somewhere better.

This is one of the most thrilling books I’ve read on the true nature of ‘life-transforming’ Christian hope. Free of religious clichés and unhelpful jargon, the reader is inspired by the sheer wonder of what lies ahead. From there we are taken back to where things went wrong with our world, to glimpses of the future in the life and ministry of the Lord Jesus, and to the solid basis for our hope in Jesus’ death and resurrection. The reality of hell is not overlooked, nor are the objections unbelievers have to Christian hope.

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