Two Marks: building healthy churches

Declan Flanagan  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Aug 2013
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Two Marks: building healthy churches

Compiled and Edited by
Christopher Ash,
Mary Davis and Bob White.
Christian Focus Mentor. 192 pages. £10.99
ISBN 978 1 845 509 828

What does a Christ-centred church and ministry in a university town really look like? It is helpful to have some enduring examples.

The Round Church at St. Andrew’s the Great in Cambridge has been hugely influential. Ably led by Mark Ruston (1955-1994) and Mark Ashton (1994-2010) for more than 50 years, this book is largely a collection of reflections on their lives and ministries. With warm appreciation from more than 50 Christian leaders, the book title gives a clue to their effectiveness.

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