Practical ‘me-ism’

Jonty Allcock  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Oct 2013
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Practical ‘me-ism’

Empty pleasures, satisfying grace
By Paul David Tripp
IVP. 224 pages. £10.99
ISBN 978 1 844 748 426

I think Christians have a problem with pleasure. It often feels like we are on a seesaw. On the one hand we are taken up with a desire for it and often find ourselves overindulging. Yet on the other hand we feel a nagging sense of guilt that pleasure is probably inherently sinful.

That is why I loved reading this book. It got me off the seesaw and helped me to see the issue clearly. Pleasure is a good gift from God. It is designed by God to cause us to worship him. Whether that is sex or money or whatever it might be.

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