No weaknesses?

Barbara Sherwood  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Dec 2014
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No weaknesses?

Learning from Murray M’Cheyne’s communion
with God
By David P Beaty
Reformation Heritage Books. 164 pages.
ISBN 978 1 601 783 158

M‘Cheyne died in 1845 aged 29 after seven years of ministry, but his influence on evangelicalism has been huge.

It ‘flows from the depth and vibrancy of his walk with God. His love for Jesus overflowed in a life of holiness and humility that was evident to those who knew him or heard him preach.’ Beaty examines his communion with God – his prayer life, Bible study and pursuit of holiness – with a view towards application: ‘learning from him the attitudes and actions that can help us walk more closely with Christ’. In Part 1 he gives a brief overview of M’Cheyne’s life, in Part 2 he focuses on his communion with God and in Part 3 he applies the lessons to our own lives.

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