Schools for scandal

Ian Fry  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 May 2017
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Schools for scandal

by Lynda Rose
Wilberforce Publications. 352 pages. £12.00.
ISBN 978 0 957 572 584

‘The future of our nation is at stake and the time for action is NOW.’ These words of the veteran campaigner Baroness Cox constitute the final sentence in this important book jointly published by Voice for Justice (VfJ) and Christian Concern.

It has 12 chapters focussed on contemporary UK schooling. A wide range of important topics such as British Values, Sex and Relationships Education, the rights of parents vs. the growing power of the state and the teaching of Intelligent Design are covered. The specialist knowledge of the various authors, coupled with considerable experience, make this pretty compelling reading. The analysis is incisive and well researched and casts light on the key areas dealt with.

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