Parents in anguish

Jen Watkins  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Nov 2017
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Parents in anguish

Andrew Stone
Day One. 124 pages. £7.00
ISBN 978 1 846 255 922

This book is in Day One’s Life Stories series, written by ‘ordinary’ Christians living with great trials. It is not a ‘how to’ book written by an author in a comfortable study, but a heartfelt account by a father whose only daughter suffered kidney failure followed by life-threatening lymphoma.

Hannah’s story is recounted mostly by quoting the emails sent to family and friends during her terrible illnesses and treatment, giving the reader a first-hand account without the editing of hindsight. Thus we encounter both the anguish of the parents, the ordeals of the patient, and the wonderful sustaining faith of them all in the midst of, no doubt, the worst trial of their lives.

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