Grappling with eternity

Dave Gobbett  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Nov 2019
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Grappling with eternity

Getting rightly prepared for the inevitable
By Joel R. Beeke and Christopher W. Bogosh
Reformation Heritage Books. 106 pages. £8.99
ISBN 978 1 601 786 500

‘Death comes to all of us, sooner or later. It does not ask if we are useful members of society, loving spouses and parents, obedi-ent children, or pillars of God’s church, imbued with large doses of godly piety. Death takes no bribes; it knows no denials. The appointment book is in God’s hand.’

Thus Joel Beeke and Christopher Bogosh begin Dying and Death, their compact but wide-ranging book on a vital but sorely neglected topic. The book comes in three parts: ‘The Basics’ (which introduces the topic culturally and surveys the Bible’s teaching on death), ‘Jesus’s Dying and Death’ (which reviews Gethsemane and the cross in a most moving reflection), and ‘Contemporary Issues’ (which reflects on medical ethics, and the wise preparation for death).

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