Why do we disagree with X and call them heretics?

James Dudley-Smith  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jun 2021
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Why	do	we	disagree	with	X	and		
 call	them	heretics?

The case for theological triage
By Gavin Ortlund
Crossway / TGC. 152 pages. £11.99
ISBN 978 1 433 567 421

This is a brilliant book on a vital subject. On which doctrinal hills are you prepared to die? Can we rank Christian doctrines from top-flight essentials through to disputable and insignificant?

I was taught – and have often quoted – the adage attributed to Augustine, or Meldenius, or various others: ‘In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, and in all things charity.’

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