Sharp young people

Elspeth McLachlan  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Jun 2014
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Sharp young people

Teatime smiles!

The annual Banner of Truth youth conference in Leicester provides a fantastic opportunity to be ‘sharpened’ (Proverbs 27.17).

Young adults gathered between April 25-28 from all over the UK and beyond. Many were from small churches, and having fellowship with other godly young people was a blessing.

However, not everyone is born again and this was emphasised this year. Stuart Olyott began the conference in Acts 8 about how conversion works, as seen from Philip meeting the Ethiopian eunuch. He also preached on being filled with the Spirit, again urging the unbeliever to get right with God, and the believer to develop a holy character. His final session, from Psalm 139 and Acts 17.27,28, was a powerful reminder that everything we do is done in front of God.

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