Revd David Streater 1933 –2017

Rt. Revd Dr J Barry Shucksmith Royal Navy (Rtd)  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 May 2017
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Revd David Streater 1933 –2017

A Service of Thanksgiving for the life of the Revd David Streater was held at Bethany Baptist Church, Mumbles, Wales, on Friday 24 March 2017.

The church was packed to capacity for the occasion. The service was led by the pastor Mike Leaves. Prayers were taken by David’s son-in-law, the Revd Dr Dick Seed, a missionary in Kenya. The gospel-centred sermon, requested by the deceased, was preached by Dr Barry Shucksmith, former Oak Hill College student, and a ministerial friend for over half a century.

‘My hope is built’

The service had been prepared by David before his death and included the hearty singing of three hymns, My hope is built on nothing less, Christ the Lord is risen today and Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine. The Musical Memories Choir (a Dementia Day Club group, to which David belonged) sang a beautiful and emotional rendering, in Welsh, of Calon Lan.

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