LS Principal

London Seminary  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Jul 2017
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LS Principal

Bill James

London Seminary announced that Bill James has been appointed the next Principal of the Seminary, following Robert Strivens who steps down from the post at the end of July.

Bill has served as pastor of Emmanuel Church, Leamington Spa since 1991. He trained for ministry at Toronto Baptist Seminary (M.Div), and for many years has been involved in training men for ministry in a variety of settings, both in the UK and overseas. Prior to entering ministry, Bill graduated from Cambridge University (Chemical Engineering) and worked for five years for Glaxo Pharmaceuticals (now GSK).

He currently teaches Pastoral Theology at the Seminary, serves on the Trust Board of the FIEC and organises the programme for the annual Carey Conference for church leaders. Bill is married to Sharon and they have two grown-up children.

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