What is ‘good ministry’?

Anglican Futures  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Jun 2022
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What is ‘good  ministry’?

Dr Duncan Forbes

It started with a conversation between a couple of ministers at our weekly online Coffee Room about the challenge of finding support for evangelical ministry in more deprived communities, writes Susie Leafe.

That led to a one-off Ideas Exchange, which has now developed into twice-termly online meetings and the beginnings of an informal network stretching from the west coast of Wales to the south coast of England. Plans are afoot for a new section on our website, to enable home-grown resources to be shared more widely.

Knowing that the Lord likes to work through ‘that which is not’ should have prepared us for this unexpected development of Anglican Future’s work, but despite priding ourselves in ‘thinking ahead’, none of us saw it coming.

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