New Christian school set to launch in Cardiff

Milla Ling-Davies  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Nov 2023
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New Christian school set to launch in Cardiff

A new, affordable, independent Christian School called St Anselm’s announced their presence with a launch event on 14 October in Highfields Church, Cardiff.

Preparing to open its Primary phase in three years’ time in 2026, the evening was a chance for parents and anyone interested to hear from founding Headmaster Jamie Burns, and listen to a panel discussion with a range of educational experts.

The school will be a classical Christian Liberal Arts (CCLA) school lead by Jamie Burns and Will Mortimore. All members of the board and staff will be practising Christians, and all subjects will be part of an overarching Christian worldview. Alongside arithmetic, music, geometry and classical literature, the study of the Bible will be a core subject in the curriculum.

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