Italy: standing firm

Reformanda Initiative  |  World
Date posted:  1 Jan 2017
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Italy: standing firm

The Colosseum in Rome

A statement has been released in Italy in December, entitled Is the Reformation Over? A Statement of Evangelical Convictions, which affirms the principles of the Reformation and calls on international evangelical leaders to sign it.

2017 marks the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. In recent times, ecumenical friendliness between Protestants and Catholics has created conditions for some leaders in both camps to claim that the Reformation is over. While the fact that dialogue has replaced persecution is something to be thankful for, the question remains: Have the fundamental theological differences between Catholics and Protestants/ Evangelicals disappeared?

The Protestant Reformation was ultimately a call to (1) recover the authority of the Bible over the church and (2) appreciate afresh the fact that salvation comes to us through faith alone. These theological differences remain to this day.

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