Japan: hope on the radio

FEB  |  World
Date posted:  1 Apr 2019
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Japan: hope on the radio

Waiting for the lights in Tokyo | photo: JEB Enterprises

The Japanese are the second largest unreached people group in the world.

More than 70% claim no personal religion, but practice ancestral worship combined with rituals derived from Shintoism and Buddhism. After the 2011 tsunami, TWR began broadcasting over community FM radio stations. Programmes and partnering stations were gradually expanded and TWR’s programmes can now be heard on 17 stations across 10 Prefectures.

Working alongside Japanese churches in what is called ‘Donkey Tracting’, TWR Asia has been facilitating believers from Singapore churches to participate in several Donkey Tracting trips every year. Together, Singaporean and Japanese believers go into the community and share the good news, as inspired by our Lord, who came ‘humble and mounted on a donkey’ in order to bring salvation.

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