Why news is inevitably flawed – and what to do

Dave Burke  |  Comment
Date posted:  1 Feb 2023
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Why news is inevitably flawed – and what to do

A famous newspaper headline from The Sun. The story was untrue, not least because Starr was a vegetarian! (photo: The Sun)

Where there is no guidance a people falls, but in an abundance of counsellors there is safety (Prov. 11:14 ESV).

It started with a Tweet. A photo of myself and two Ukrainians picking out a Christmas tree, and within an hour a friend Tweeted, ‘The Nazi government in Ukraine were guilty of geno-cide and deserve all they are getting’.

‘You won’t read this in the papers’, he told me, ‘Because the Western media are all spouting the line given them by the government and the military-industrial complex’. To get the truth you had to go on YouTube – there followed links to many videos.

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