Monthly column on hymns and songs

Christopher Idle  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Dec 2003
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Dipping into the treasury

Unless they are the sort who throw away every scrap of unwanted paper, people who work with hymns acquire in time a small mountain of other people's products. We keep them because they were written by friends, or struck us as interesting; because we might value a chance to sing them, or because they are there.

On this column's 48th and final appearance, lean over my shoulder as I whiz through some which by various routes have reached me over many years. Let's start with A.

'A daring age is ours; we probe the skies at will', wrote Rosamond Herklots of Bromley; undated, but she died in 1987. She wrote more than just 'Forgive our sins' and this one leads from science, conflict and confusion to Christ.

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