We’re almost ALL digital evangelists now

Glen Scrivener  |  Features  |  everyday evangelism
Date posted:  27 Feb 2025
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We’re almost ALL digital  evangelists now

Source: iStock

After this month I’m taking a break from writing this Everyday Evangelism column. It’s partly so I can focus more energy on reaching out online. This article explains a little of why.

There are 2.5 billion monthly users on YouTube. Three billion on Facebook. If these were countries, they would be easily the biggest countries on earth. How can we be missionaries to these lands?

Perhaps the first thing to say is that these are not foreign lands. Many of us live online now. If you’ve ever recommended a Christian podcast, or WhatsApped someone an article, or shared a video, either on social media or via a text, you are a digital evangelist. In all these examples, your audiences have been flesh-and-blood humans, and you might not have considered the digital nature of the outreach.

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