Trump 2.0: A concerned evangelical view

Martyn Whittock  |  Features
Date posted:  24 Jan 2025
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Trump 2.0: A concerned evangelical view

The return of Donald Trump to the White House should be a matter of concern; not panic, but concern.

It should, at this point, be stated clearly that my contention is not based on an expectation that US electors (including evangelical Christians) should become Democrats. Nor that there is something inherently wrong with the historic Republican Party. My case is that the matter is rather simpler: there is something inherently wrong with Donald Trump and the MAGA (Make America Great Again) movement (which has, in effect, become the Republican Party). I would also argue that there is something significantly wrong with the US section of the international evangelical movement; and this is shown in its deep commitment to Trump and to MAGA.

The greatest threat to life on the planet (that God made and gave us to steward) is human-caused climate change. It is happening. It is a fact. There is every sign that the US under Trump will pull out of urgently-needed action in this area. US evangelicals, who ally with his ‘climate change is a hoax’ mentality, are in denial about reality. And their end-times preoccupation – Christ will soon return, so it doesn’t matter anyway – should carry the health warnings: ‘You do not know the day or the hour’ and ‘It might be a long time yet.’ Plus, trashing God’s creation is not a good position to defend.

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