Nuts about KP

Bill James  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jan 1996
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The Way of Holiness
By Kenneth Prior
CFP/OM. 172 pages
ISBN 8 85792 109 7

Holiness is of the essence of the Christian life. It is therefore no surprise that this subject is of special interest to the devil who delights to sow confusion and controversy to distract us from the biblical teaching. So false theories abound: holiness as a second blessing, or holiness as an optional extra to be bolted on to the vital experience of justification. Some emphasise holiness as our work, others deplore any suggestion of human effort or discipline; there are those who claim that perfection is possible in this life.

It is refreshing, then, to read this new edition of a book first published in 1967 and for long out of print. The years have not diminished its value or usefulness. This is a robust presentation of the biblical teaching on holiness, showing us the nature of our sin, the holiness of our God, and the pathway of growth in grace by Word and Spirit.

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