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Tim Chester  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Sep 2003
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The Bible Speaks Today series
By Howard Peskett and Vinoth Ramachandra. IVP. 288 pages. £9.99
ISBN 0 85111 326 5

This book is a welcome addition to The Bible Speaks Today series from two evangelical writers with many years of mission experience.

In keeping with the format of the series, the theme of mission is explored through the exposition of selected biblical texts. Part one demonstrates the global scope of God's purposes. Part two looks at key Old Testament texts, while part three explores mission as mandated and modelled by Jesus and his church. This includes an important chapter on mission shaped by the cross. The final two chapters on Psalm 104 and Revelation 21-22 are headed 'doxology' and expound the climax of mission (and 'earth-keeping') in the worship of God. The authors take a broad definition of mission as encompassing such issues as human rights and environmental concerns. The exposition amply demonstrates that such a definition reflects the range of what the Bible says about Christian involvement in the world. The result is a lively and engaging introduction to the main issues in contemporary missiology.

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