Cat and nouse

Luke Jenner  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jun 2011
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An exciting presentation of God’s Word in 52 studies, for use at home or in church groups
By Dennis D. Hustedt. Evangelical Press. 240 pages. £8.99
ISBN 978 0 852 347 379

Firm in the Faith is a workbook on Christian doctrine and living aimed particularly at young people. It bases its 52 studies (intended as a year’s ‘course’) on selected questions from the Westminster Shorter Catechism.

The author is clearly convinced that ‘catechesis’ is both a lost art among young people and a route to the restoration of real godliness in the same. By setting a catechism question and memory verse each week, supplemented by his own questions and activities on the theme, Hustedt sets out to revive the art.

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