By Andrew Wilson
IVP. 159 pages. £8.99
ISBN 978 1 844 745 692
If you want hard evidence of how brilliant this book on apologetics is, then you need to see the review by a thoughtful atheist on the Amazon website who read it after being invited to debate with author Andrew Wilson on the radio.
The atheist in question, Geoff Lillis, writes: ‘Most books in this genre seem to try to win conversations or close them down. Wilson seems to be trying to open them up... The negative comments on non-believers, so frequent among his competitors, are absent here. There are no attacks on science or ham-fisted links with Hitler, and he makes good efforts to show how much weight his arguments will bear as opposed to painting each as a certain proof... It’s the best I’ve read in the genre and extends a hand of friendship rather than a wagging finger of disapproval. It didn’t convert me, but did leave me wanting to join the author for a coffee and a long chat’.
Think you’re not racially biased? Really?
Recently I managed to shock myself in a way which unsettled me. A screenshot of an online video discussion flashed …