Home vision

Ann Benton  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Apr 2017
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Home vision

Creating a Thriving Family Culture
By Mark and Lisa Scandrette
Monarch Books. 240 pages. £9.99
ISBN 978 0 857 218 070

A generation of Christian women who began parenting in the 1970s were much influenced and inspired by the unique and brilliant What is a Family?  by Edith Shaeffer, which recognised the significance of whole family ethos on a growing child.

This book, written very much with millennials in mind, has a similar intent, although its style is quite different. Subtitled ‘Creating a Thriving Family Culture’ it explores, chapter by chapter, the various components of that culture: purpose, vision, story, rhythm connection, pointing out how, for modern parents, competing demands reveal unhealthy patterns. It encourages families to work towards a more integrated life and invites readers to be conscious of the script they are working to.

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