Soothing balm

Lindsay Benn  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 May 2018
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Soothing balm

Finding the path from rootlessness to
returning home
By Naomi Starkey
Bible Reading Fellowship. 123 pages. £6.99
ISBN 978 0 857 465 184

The blurb on the back cover claims that this book ‘weaves imaginative story and profound reflections on a selection of Psalms to trace a journey that many of us will relate to’. This is a good summary of the contents.

I’m not a big fan of fictional Christian writing, but Naomi writes with endearing charm and describes the eventful journey of a troubled pilgrim trying to find meaning and purpose in life. Each chapter tracks the path of this pilgrim through traumas, dilemmas and moments of respite, with the reader becoming acutely aware that problems will ultimately have to be faced head on.

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