Iran: controls on media

Elam Ministries  |  World
Date posted:  1 Dec 2013
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Iran: controls on media

President Rouhani | photo:

The publication of an article that questioned a religious tenet led to the ban of another Iranian newspaper early in November.

Media is tightly controlled in Iran, and censorship is particularly tight when it comes to religious topics. Christians should pray for a change in media climate and for freedom of expression to be protected


The regularity with which newspapers are censored, and journalists, editors and bloggers are imprisoned in Iran, reveals that the government greatly fears the prospect of a free speaking civil society. Of course the high-level censorship results in a rather monotonous one-dimensional press. ‘We only ever hear one side of a story, one spin on it’, reflects Amir, ‘You don’t get different angles and nuances, so it’s hard to be sure what’s really going on. Plus, the press sadly lacks any vibrancy as a result.’

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