Surfing archbishop makes waves onshore

Iain Taylor; GAFCON  |  World
Date posted:  1 Jun 2021
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Surfing archbishop makes waves onshore

The GAFCON Primates Council, which has just met online, boasts one Primate with a somewhat unusual leisure interest – surfing!

Miguel Uchoa (see photo) claims to be the only true surfing archbishop. In 2018 he became the first archbishop of the Anglican Church in Brazil, considered by GAFCON to be the 41st province of the Anglican communion, after it split with the Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil in 2005 over the issue of homosexuality. The former Bishop of Recife first learned to surf on the magnificent beaches of his hometown as a young man and sees no reason to stop now.

His laidback surfing style is replicated in his approach to ministry. Having just preached at an evening service, he was later spotted at a local açaí shop (açaí is a deep purple berry eaten like sherbert in Brazil), hanging out with members of the church and sharing Christ with others. One learns that this is Miguel Uchoa’s standard operating procedure as he builds relationships, shepherds his flock, plants churches and – to extend the metaphor underwater as well as on the crests of the waves – raises up fishers of men.

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