Here comes summer...

Dave Fenton  |  Features  |  Youth Leaders
Date posted:  1 Jul 2014
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Here comes summer...

image: iStock

It often feels like a flat time in youth ministry.

Young people, free from exams, go off on holiday and staff take a month off (if they can get cover). Camps and house parties take place and young people disappear to many parts. While it is important for regular staff and volunteers to get a rest, there are some things that can be usefully done.

Thanks to leaders

For those who have done a year of service, it is good to mark that achievement. It is good if leaders can get a rest and the church could send a card thanking them for their service. If you can include a book as a small token of thanks, that is often appreciated. But make sure it is not a book about the strains of youth ministry. Perhaps a small one about the person of Jesus would be a blessing.

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