Old earth theodicy

Stuart Burgess  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Oct 2010
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Finding a good God in an evil world
By William A. Dembski. Paternoster. 238 pages. £16.99
ISBN 978-184227682-2

The stated aim of the book is to explain the origin of evil and why God allows bad things to happen (sometimes called theodicy).

It is an important subject because the existence of evil is a common objection to the existence of God. The book gives a defence of the biblical view that evil is not something God created but the result of the sin of Adam. Dembski gives several helpful reasons why God allows suffering to continue, including enabling us to see the seriousness of sin, enabling us to have freedom of choice and enabling God to bring good out of evil. Dembski explains that the sinful nature of man is so serious that only the Cross can redeem individual sinners.

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